Thank you for visiting my website. I offer postural therapy based on the work of Pete Egoscue and am one of only a handful of postural alignment specialists in The Netherlands certified by Egoscue Institute.

Posture therapy is a no touch therapy for helping you get pain free that doesn’t require physical sessions. Everything can be done online. I currently practice postural therapy in the following locations:

  • Worldwide through Facetime, Skype, Zoom etc or through e-mail
  • Physically in my clinics in The Netherlands in
    • Amsterdam
    • Purmerend
    • Steenwijk
    • At your home or other location in The Netherlands (at extra charge)

Besides full appointments (initial or follow up sessions) I also offer free posture evaluations (“quick scans”) at all locations including e-mail, Facetime, Skype and Zoom all over the world. I also offer ‘menu check up’ sessions of half an hour where we go through your current menu and make sure you get all the details of the exercises right. This can also be done online (not through e-mail though).

Scheduling an appointment

Free consultation (15 minutes: Skype, Zoom, Phone or FaceTime)

Free Postural Quick Scan (30 minutes: Skype, Zoom, FaceTime)

You can plan other appointment types yourself on this page. Contact me at for any questions!

I also sell the following equipment used in postural alignment therapy:

  • The Egoscue tower (with single foot pedal)
  • Double foot pedal for the Egoscue Tower
  • Egoscue slant board
  • Small Egoscue blocks

See the following page for descriptions (in Dutch) of the books and products. See this page for prices of the equipment and therapy. The equipment can be picked up at one of the locations or sent by mail throughout Europe. If you are in Europe this is a much cheaper option than having it shipped from the US.

If you are in the US, I recommend the products from Pain Free at Sea which are also available through Amazon.

Right now the website is only in Dutch. I have plans to create an English version later.
Therapy is given also in English, though. Please send an e-mail to with any questions you might have.

Be sure to check out some of the blogs and testimonials below.


Patrick van Enschot

Postural Alignment Specialist certified by Egoscue Institute


Am I too old?

Do posture gadgets work?

A strange sound in the kitchen scared me

What is a quality movement?

Why is posture therapy like the dentist? (but more fun)

Your body is more intelligent than you think

Why you are probably too efficient

Conquering (the fear) of pain in 3 steps

If you don’t move, soon you won’t be able to move

Does working from home ruin your posture?

Why wiggling your hips is not sexy


Egoscue Tower

Having already had a menu from the US – I got my tower from Patrick – he also updated me on a few other exercises I could do which is great. I would not hesitate to contact him if I need more guidance. Highly recommended. Toelichting “Egoscue Tower”

Wereldwijd (op een zeilschip)


Posture problems brought me to the first appointment. I am still in an early phase of the therapy (3 weeks in) but something really unexpected happened since day two. Unexpected because I started to see changes in my sleep and I did not see that one coming. My sleep got lighter (I often wake up by myself in the morning before the alarm goes off, which is something that almost never happened in the past 30 years) and I can now sleep/fall asleep laying on my back and then wake up in the morning without any pain (for years, I couldn’t sleep on my back because I would wake up with severe pain). Awesome! Toelichting “Surprised”

Den Haag

Pain Free Running

Even though I have done Egoscue for several years – I found that my posture still needed correcting. Patrick helped me fix this and I got back into running without pain. The pre- and post-menus that Patrick made for me are excellent. Patrick is a very good therapist and I recommend him highly. Toelichting “Pain Free Running”

Malene H.

Work in progress

I have been suffering from back pain for the past 4 years and have been following the treatment with Patrick for the past 3.5 months. The sessions with Patrick are very thorough, and his dedication conveys a far greater genuine attitude. I have been with multiple therapists before, but never noted the same level of involvement that they would commit themselves in the recovery of their patients.I am not yet pain free, but the e-cises that I practice on a daily basis, have improved my pain. Impatient by nature, I have come to realize that restoring proper posture is a slow process, but performing the e-cises on a daily basis for 3.5 months have improved my daily pain. Toelichting “Work in progress”

